This project focuses on the pollution due to industrialization and commercial waste in the Hudson River. We shed light on the low water quality(enterococcus count) and the fish biodiversity present in such estuaries. Our group utilized the Hudson River fish data from 2007-2022 and 2022 BioBlitz data. Although we only focused on the lower Hudson River we concluded that between 2007 and 2022 the enterococcus count decreased and our Shannon Index values increased over the period. In other words, the water quality improved due to conservation efforts which in turn allowed the biodiversity to increase. Nonetheless, it is necessary to continue conservation efforts for the health of New York City residents and communities.
December 14, 2023
The influence of Hudson River water quality on fish biodiversity
Posts by steamfest
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Transformative Prelude
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Comments by steamfest
You always were a clever chickadee! Keep flying, keep trying! ❤️ mom
This is a nice poster! The approach to the research is interesting too! Green spaces have characteristics that separate them…
This is a nice research poster! I had no idea that ducks had a preference for cold climates, and your…
What a great poster! My group did a study on the correlation between median income and presence of iNaturalist superusers.…
I love your study! Including the p-values and such detailed methods shows you really got the most out of STEAM!…