Four Days and Counting!!

While everyone else has been back at school for a few weeks, collecting syllabi, purchasing textbook and reconnecting with friends, I am still at home (with my dog) waiting to leave for London. Because of the differences in the British University system, I do not actually start classes until the beginning of October. Trust me, I am not complaining but it is getting a little boring here. I would gladly trade the late nights of the West Wing marathon and dog walking along the streets of Queens, for the expected excitement of the streets of London.

My suitcase and everything that will not fit

With only a few days left, I thought I would start posting regularly. At this point, I am in the process of making the terribly horrible decision of which shoes and clothing I will be able to fit in my small regulation size suitcase. It is hard to think that I will be able to fit everything I will need in a year into my small com

pact suitcase. Regardless it will happen. Below is a picture of my packed suitcase and everything that did not make the cut. With the majority of my packing out of the way, the only thing I am waiting for is my visa. Yes, with four days to go I still have not received my VISA from the UK

Consulate. It seems that the barriers put into place by the UK to prevent terrorists from entering their country hav

e also lengthened my visa process. My advice to anyone who is looking to get a PBS 4 Student visa should start as soon as humanly possible and then pray.

The next time I post should be closer to my 7pm takeoff on Wednesday night. Hopefully by this time I will have been cleared by the UK Consulate for departure. Hopefully…

About Steph Fox

My name is Stephanie Fox and I am in the process of embarking on a study abroad experience in London for my Junior year at the Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College. I will be in London from September 15th through the end of June studying Economics and Political Science (my major) at the London School of Economics. I hope to use this blog to document my experiences while away.
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