• A Month Gone By

    A month has already passed and I have accomplished little. For starters, remember when I said I’d attempt to post weekly. Well, attempt I did… And failed graciously. But no excuses. Now, the things I wanted to post have accumulated to an outrageous amount. It scares me. I did clean my room. 3/4 at least. …

  • Summer Plans

    Hello friends! Pardon my absence. I have been lazy. No other excuse as to why I have not been posting. I express my deepest apologies. That is why I am writing a post like this. My little updates posts are infinitely easier and quicker to write than my photo-experience ones. So, what’s new? Well, I …

  • The Fourth Annual Macaulay Arts Night!

    The last week in April was absolutely hectic! Papers, projects, EVERYTHING TUMBLING DOWN. I pushed that aside, temporarily of course, to plan the fourth annual Macaulay Arts Night, which took place on Saturday, April 28th from 6 to 10:30 PM. (I wanted to post this post haha right after the event because I was so pumped! …

  • Bonjour Mes Amis!

    It’s been a while! Well, I can finally post at free will now, because I have finished all my schoolwork (that is, until summer session begins)! So here’s an update on my school and life: 1. I was supposed to upload a post on Macaulay’s 4th Annual Arts Night and I completely neglected it for …