• The Second Annual Eportfolio Expo

    I don’t know if I mentioned this before, buuuuutttt, I had been planning to enter the Eportfolio Expo well before the fall Tech Fair. Somehow, though I don’t remember, I stumbled upon the eportfolios and thought that the concept of Macaulay students connected through a Macaulay-hosted network of online portfolios and blogs was so cool. …

  • My Soundtrack to Life

    All this talk about school, visual art, and what not. I’ve completely abandoned my second no wait, third? No, fourth love. I don’t know. All I know is that my first post was about music and I think that I haven’t talked about music since! How could I commit such a horrible offense (given my love …

  • Regarding Rodin

    This is another post about another exhibition at the magnificent Brooklyn Museum. Rachel Kneebone: Regarding Rodin. In this exhibition, Rachel Kneebone sets up eight of her porcelain sculptures and sets them beside fifteen of Rodin’s bronze sculpture. The exhibition highlights Rodin’s and Kneebone’s interest in the “representation of mourning, ecstasy, death, vitality in figurative sculpture.” That is …

  • Just a little update: Eportfolios, Arts Night, Studying, FUN!

    Hello my friends! It’s been a while. Originally I was going to post three consecutive posts, after the Keith Haring one, about my recent museum visits. But then I thought that would be overkill. So instead, let’s take a break and talk about other random things. 1. The Macaulay Eportfolio Expo is coming soon. I …