Raymond’s Migration Story

I was born in New York City. I have lived here my entire life. However, my parents have not and they immigrated to the United States. My father came to the United States from Taiwan to expand his career. My mother came from China because she married my father. They arrived only a few years before I was born.
My father was a computer programmer in Taiwan. He was working for a company called IBM. During that time period, computers were not common. He helped the company write programs. He grew up in Taiwan his entire life and never though of immigration. His family owned a farm that grew crops and specialized in garlic.
However, my father tried is best in school and studied very hard. Eventually he worked for a computer company called IBM. He worked with the company for many years before he heard about the many opportunities that the United States offers. My father moved to the United States for these opportunities. He bought a house on Long Island and worked for a small banking company.
My mother came from China. She grew up there her entire life. My father was traveling in China when he met her. They decided to get married and have children. My mother moved to the United States only because she was married to my father. My mother wasn’t sure about immigrating to the United States, but my father convinced her that it would be better to start a family there. Since the time she met my father, she moved to the United States. Another factor that helped my mother decide was the fact that my mother’s sister is also in the United States.
My father was given an opportunity to work at a company called Paine Webber. I was already born and my parents decided that we needed to find a larger place to live. We moved to an apartment on Barclay Street in Flushing, Queens. It was a tiny apartment. We didn’t need much room since it was only my parents and myself. My sister was also born two years after I was. Since I was in preschool at that point, my parents have been thinking of my future education. They decided to move to an area with better schooling. We moved to a new house right after I finished preschool. We stayed in this apartment for around four years.
We moved to a house in Oakland Gardens, Queens. It is the same house that I have been living in up until the present day. I started kindergarten at the local public school and continued my education at the schools located near my home. My parents bought the house at that location because they believed that the elementary schools around there provided a better education.
The only other family that I have in the United States is my mother’s sister. She immigrated to the United States before my father did. She moved here because she also heard of the many opportunities. She first immigrated to New York City. She didn’t arrive in the United States with much money. She had to work extremely hard and live in a tiny apartment to support her. Eventually she got married and moved to New Jersey. Then she moved from Parsippany, New Jersey to Millburn, New Jersey so she should provide a better education for her children.
I only have a tiny part of my family that lives in the United States. The rest of my family live in their respective countries. However, my cousin is considering moving to the United States. Hopefully, more of my family will immigrate to the United States.

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