post is an entry on the site that displays in reverse chronological order. It is fairly easy to create and publish posts, once you have the hang of it! These steps will take you through the basics:

  1. Click on “+ New” (this can be found at the very top of the site in the black menu bar). *
  2. The screen will load a page that says, “Add New Post.” Fill in the blanks!  Add a title and type content.
  3. Publish by clicking the blue “Publish” button located on the right of your screen.
  4. Click the “Preview” button  if you want to see how your post will appear, before you publish it.
  5. Click the “Save Draft” button if you want to save your post and come back to it later.
    Note: You can return to your draft post by going to the Dashboard and clicking on Posts > All Posts. Don’t forget to click “Update” to publish the changes.
  6. Be sure to categorize your post appropriately! Otherwise, you might end up with a missing post!

* Notes: If you hover with your mouse above “+ New” you will also have the option of creating a new page or new media. These options will be discussed later.
You can also  “Add New Post”  by hovering over the title of the site (in this case, “The Arts in New York City”) and clicking on “Dashboard.” This takes you behind the scenes. Click on Posts > Add New. 

For more information: