In academic papers, it is vital that any textual, visual, or other evidence –whether used directly, paraphrased, or referred to — be cited properly, according to the disciplinary convention. For your Media Analysis assignment, I’ve activated the FD Footnotes plugin, which “provides an extremely easy way to add elegant looking footnotes to your posts” as demonstrated here. 1

The plugin page provides a text-based overview and screenshots that walk you through the process of creating these citations. The overview shows how you use a shortcode (i.e. information formatted in a specific way within square brackets []) to create the endnote. In addition to the instructions there, you will need to format your text within the endnote to italicize the relevant parts and add links as necessary. Both of those functions can be accessed by selecting the text that you need to format and then selecting the relevant button at the top of the text editor.

You may wish to use this to cite the media that you refer to in your Media Analysis assignment. For the Exhibition project, we will be using Zotero and ZotPress.

Adapted from a post by ITF Maggie Galvan.

  1. fd, “FD Footnotes Plugin,” Plugin Directory, 2015,