Indie Rock – Grouplove

My all time favorite form of art is music, and by living in NYC we experience A LOT of it. From the street performers to the musicians at Madison Square Garden, music is everywhere.

Last night, I saw Grouplove in Central Park. I’ve seen them once before at a music festival in Delaware, but something about the beautiful park with the lit up buildings as the backdrop made the night magical.

The music was awesome, but they were also displaying their art. Singer Hannah Cooper had her art in a pamphlet that was handed out at the entry. Since it was the Honda Civic Tour, they were raffling off a new car painted with Hannah’s art. (See images below!)


grouplove art 2grouplove art


grouplove car
Overall, the experience was amazing as I got to listen to great music while viewing cool pictures and drawings.

Here’s a video of their opening song!
