Is A New You Is A New Me [Poem with Saeed Jones]

Is A New You Is A New Me



is a boat is a train is a train wreck is a hospital bed is a comforter is a pillow is a deathbed is a sentence is a widow is a heartbreak is a smashed window is a car is a text message is a “hey” is a greeting is a farewell is a departure is a plane ride is a shuttle is a fare is a farewell is a get well is a get well soon is a congratulations is a celebration is a gathering is a birthday is a new day is a new test is a new passion is a new drive is a new feel is a new you

is a new life is a cool day is a fresh air is a new lung is a no smoking is a new perspective is a competition is a win is a loss is a regret is a doubt is a joy is a carefree outlook is an email is an opportunity is a cookie is a bake sale is a dollar is a bill is a declaration is a rule is a law is a restriction is a limit is a promise is a best friend is a connection is a bond is an unbreakable undefinable invincible new me


I really enjoyed listening to Saeed Jones, and writing our own poems. His format of “is a ___” is a really simple concept that when repeated, creates a powerful emphasis on each word. The repetition reminded me of a winding pattern which led me to create this “circle poem”. The poem begins going outward ending with “new you”, and then continues going inward ending with “new me”.

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Bizet's Carmen

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In Carmen, as in almost any other production, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It wasn’t just the incredible projection of voices that caught my attention – the orchestra and set also stole my attention for much of the show.

As any scene began, the enormous fortress-looking set could not go unnoticed. It was potentially more than two stories high, with steps, and two separate pieces that seemed to mesh together perfectly into one layered setting. It made me realize how many people contributed to the magnificent production. 

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Notice the set in the background here

The music in Bizet’s Carmen is phenomenal. It is filled with songs that we’ve all heard in other forms of media without knowing its origin. The music is surprisingly catchy – I whistled and hummed to myself on the subway for over an hour. As the show is exclusively in song (reminding me of Les Mis), the orchestra plays an enormous role throughout. The orchestra sets the tone in every scene, it uses drastic dynamics for different moods. For example, a soft, quite dynamic suggests a sweet, somewhat innocent mood. The stronger, deep, loud parts are usually declarations or parts of high intensity (aided by at least 6 upright bases).

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the opera – much more than I expected. Whereas I thought I would be sleeping within the first hour, I found myself not being able to look away from the stage for very long. I focussed on the vocals, set, and individual instruments when possible. I enjoyed the plot and character development, as well as the pieces put together to create this unique experience.

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