Is A New You Is A New Me [Poem with Saeed Jones]

Is A New You Is A New Me



is a boat is a train is a train wreck is a hospital bed is a comforter is a pillow is a deathbed is a sentence is a widow is a heartbreak is a smashed window is a car is a text message is a “hey” is a greeting is a farewell is a departure is a plane ride is a shuttle is a fare is a farewell is a get well is a get well soon is a congratulations is a celebration is a gathering is a birthday is a new day is a new test is a new passion is a new drive is a new feel is a new you

is a new life is a cool day is a fresh air is a new lung is a no smoking is a new perspective is a competition is a win is a loss is a regret is a doubt is a joy is a carefree outlook is an email is an opportunity is a cookie is a bake sale is a dollar is a bill is a declaration is a rule is a law is a restriction is a limit is a promise is a best friend is a connection is a bond is an unbreakable undefinable invincible new me


I really enjoyed listening to Saeed Jones, and writing our own poems. His format of “is a ___” is a really simple concept that when repeated, creates a powerful emphasis on each word. The repetition reminded me of a winding pattern which led me to create this “circle poem”. The poem begins going outward ending with “new you”, and then continues going inward ending with “new me”.