Sneaker Con NYC

Sneaker Con NYC

Yesterday, I attended Sneaker Con New York, a huge convention that is all about shoes of all types. Now one would think that this was…

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Duane Hanson's Sculptures

Duane Hanson’s Sculptures

Walking late at night down Park Avenue, I stumbled across what seemed to be an empty room with a bored security guard watching nothing. I…

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Why Can't All Cars Look Good?

Why Can’t All Cars Look Good?

Let’s be clear. I’ve always been into cars. Heck, I’ve been a car and driver subscriber for years now. I wouldn’t say that I’m some…

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Paintings  Around Baruch

Paintings Around Baruch

I had not noticed this when I first entered Baruch, but the Newman Vertical Campus can be both a college building and a museum. When we…

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The Most Amazing Trip

The Most Amazing Trip

I remember a trip I went to when I was in elementary when we went to a museum. I was so tired of going to…

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Thomas Heatherwick's "Spun Chair"

Thomas Heatherwick’s “Spun Chair”

This past week, I went to the Museum of Modern Art with my brother to look around. I came across the “Spun Chair.” I first…

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Leica Gallery

Leica Gallery

     Situated in Soho is the Leica Gallery, a gallery “Dedicated to the fascination of photography.” Thanks to Professor Eversley, Our IDC class has been privileged…

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Art…is everywhere.

Some people think art is only what sells for a million dollars at an exclusive white-collar auction. Because this art is valued for a higher…

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"Time Temple" at the Guggenheim

“Time Temple” at the Guggenheim

I thought Wang Jianwei’s installation was extremely thought-provoking. Knowing that it was meant to play with the idea of time forced me at least try…

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