As always, do not make personal payments for tickets. We cannot reimburse you or students. We cannot pay for food/refreshments, gifts (including gift cards), or prizes. Faculty may pool funds for an event (e.g. a guest speaker) who will do an event for multiple sections, but faculty may not “donate” their funds to a colleague’s course. All requests for Spring 2024 must be made by May 1, 2024, however there are some earlier deadlines that are important to keep in mind. Keep reading!

Due to recent procedural changes at CUNY, those receiving an honorarium will need to register with CUNYBuy. If you plan to request a payment to an organization using a purchase order (PO) or offer an honorarium to a speaker, the person or entity must be registered with CUNYBuy no later than March 8, 2024 and all paperwork must be submitted to Macaulay by March 15, 2024. These cutoff dates are set by CUNY and have no flexibility whatsoever. There is no workaround that Macaulay can enact if you miss these deadlines.

We are no longer able to process purchase and payment requests. If you have any questions, please contact