Adapted from email from Joseph Ugoretz, Sr Associate Dean and Chief Academic Officer, sent June 2, 2021

The Macaulay seminars are mainly defined as “hybrid” for the fall 2021 (depending on local campus policies and decisions).  The “hybrid” designation in the Macaulay seminar context (this may differ from other courses on your campus or in your department) means that we expect all courses to have some element of in-person learning during the semester.  Please consult with your local Macaulay director to keep abreast of their expectations and campus policies. We are still in a rapidly shifting situation, and there may be changes over the summer.
We expect that all of our students will still be doing much of their learning online and remotely, but we also welcome the opportunity for all of them to have some opportunities to gather together in person, after more than a year of not being able to do so.

In order to keep all of our students safe and achieve our educational goals, there are some overall standards that we must all observe for all Macaulay seminars:

  • No student may be penalized for lack of participation in in-person events.  There must be alternatives for any student who, for any reason, is unable or unwilling to be present in person. These alternatives must be equivalent both in terms of credit or grade, and in educational value, and students should be clearly informed of this.
  • All classes must provide some flexibility in scheduling of in-person events, in recognition of the fact that students may have other classes or obligations that conflict with the necessary travel time to events or classes.
  • Any events or activities off campus must observe the appropriate public health requirements (distancing, sizes of groups, masking, etc.) in place at the time.
Macaulay hybrid courses should include:
  • An in-person meeting or experience during the semester.
    • May take place during class time or at another mutually agreeable time or at varied times to allow small groups to participate
    • May be a field trip
    • May be completed independently by students rather than in an organized group (for example, students could make museum visits in person in small groups, and then the class as a whole could use an online meeting to discuss and synthesize).
  • An exemption or alternate assignment or activity that can be completed remotely for any student who chooses not to participate in in-person activities
Must not include:
  • A required, graded element that can only be completed through in-person work
  • A penalty for students who do not wish to be in in-person settings
  • Extra credit or rewards for students who do participate in in-person activities
  • Requests for official documentation for students requesting an exemption or remote work. Students are empowered to self-select the activities that are best for them based on their own circumstances, and do not need to explain or document those circumstances