Welcome to Macaulay Honors College Seminar 1, The Arts in New York City!

If you are enrolled in this course, please join the site using the “Join this Site” box on the right.

The first seminar is an introduction to both MHC and to New York City. This semester you’ll visit New York’s many wonderful museums, theaters, and parks, and class discussions and projects will emphasize the connection between the arts and specific places in the city.

This site will house information about the course, a blog and discussion area, and various projects you will be working on throughout the semester. It is a place to share your work and thoughts with your classmates. See the bottom of each page for basic course and contact info for your professor and your ITF, be in touch with any questions you might have, and have fun exploring the site.

We are excited to work with you and explore the artistic world of New York City together this Fall!