Away We Happened episode 4

12 06 2012

Episode 4 is out! Yay!! The two finally get to meet each other!


Ooh, that ending… ouch. I’m excited to see what happens next… too bad we have to wait another week…

Picture Perfect

6 06 2012

The Jubilee Project released “Picture Perfect” today. I can’t reveal too much about it besides that you need to watch it, haha.


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Away We Happened Episode 3

6 06 2012

Sorry about the late post. Below is the third episode of “Away We Happened.”


Pretty interesting vid. Not really what I expected, but I’m curious as to where this will go.

Picture Perfect trailer

31 05 2012

The Jubilee Project released a new trailer in collaboration with Arden Cho. The video, entitled “Picture Perfect,” was produced to raise awareness about leukemia. The trailer can be viewed below.

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Away We Happened – Episode 2

30 05 2012

Yayy, the second episode is out!!


Random comment though… I wonder what Dan wanted from his suitcase… plot gap!

Sorry about the delays in posts… I’ll post a lot more over the next few days.

Away We Happened – Episode 1 is Out

21 05 2012

The episode is out! Yay!!


As of this moment, if you want to submit your ideas, you have to do so by Facebook, and you have to be 18 years old or over… ah well. I hope you liked this though. I am pretty impressed.

Away We Happened

17 05 2012

Away We Happened is a new series by Wong Fu Productions that will be shown starting Monday, May 21. This series is very different in that the viewers get to decide how the story plays out based on the first episode. Wong Fu will then take two days to choose what type of scenes would happen next. The trailer is shown below.


I hope you also participate in this fun event! If you want to voice out what should happen next, you could either post it in this site (or forums) and I could post up those comments for you, or you could do it yourself by signing on to YouTube. I’m really excited for this event and I hope you are too!

Let’s iWarp!

14 05 2012

Introducing the new App on the App Store… iWarp! You get to transport to places.

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Mother’s Day is coming up soon!

11 05 2012

Hi guys! Mother’s Day is right around the corner! What are you planning to do for this special day? I have nothing planned yet… Yet… hmm, maybe I’ll do some cooking, haha. That will be very interesting, wouldn’t it?

Anyhow, the following is a treat from The Jubilee Project. Read the rest of this entry »

I’m Yours on the ukulele

7 05 2012

A little kid plays I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It’s so adorable. Both the song and him, haha.
