Multimedia SoftChalk (2 Hrs)

Multimedia SoftChalk (2 Hrs)

Hands-On Workshop: During this workshop you will be introduced to the latest version of SoftChalk, a program used to build interactive Web sites. SoftChalk sites…

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Multimedia PowerPoint (2 Hrs)

Multimedia PowerPoint (2 Hrs)

Hands-On Workshop: This workshop will focus on creating PowerPoint presentations using its multimedia features. You will also create a PowerPoint for use in other projects…

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Preparing Multimedia Materials for Teaching and Learning (3 Hrs)

Preparing Multimedia Materials for Teaching and Learning (3 Hrs)

Hands-On Workshop: This is a must-have workshop for those who are registering for any of the Multimedia series workshops. During this workshop you will create…

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Clickers in the hybrid classroom: It's not just about the technology

Clickers in the hybrid classroom: It’s not just about the technology

What clickers provide is a way to rapidly collect and visually represent an answer to a question from every student; an answer for which all…

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Building community in an online learning environment

Building community in an online learning environment

Building community in an online learning environment: communication, cooperation and collaboration Present rationales and strategies for implementing instructional techniques to move a class from cohort…

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EdTech Innovation Chase

EdTech Innovation Chase

Each semester we celebrate our campus EdTech Innovators

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Book Scanner

Book Scanner

We have taken commercial hardware and built our own user-friendly software to create easy-to-use public scanners with special plates so that book spines are not…

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Timesheet management system

Timesheet management system

Working closely with Brooklyn College Human Resources, CUNY, and unions, we have adapted our own home-grown timesheet management system, developed in the Library to manage…

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Promotion & Tenure Document Management System

Promotion & Tenure Document Management System

Using Sakai, we have developed a system of document storage and management for promotion and tenure files. This allows candidates or their department chairs or…

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