
Today, we continued with our poetry presentations. I didn’t know so many well-known poets spent some of their lives in New York. Whether they were born here or spent years here; it’s pretty amazing to see how much of an inspiration New York is.
I love how we all learn something when someone goes up in front of the class and it’s always something different; sometimes it’s poetry related and sometimes it’s not but these presentations are such a learning experience. I also really love how these presentations our bringing our class together.

One presentation, which I particularly loved, was Naomi’s. I admired the way she gave the poems life and character. Her poems gave her a lot of wiggle room to play around with how she was going to present them and I think she did a great job.
I also enjoyed Andrew’s performance, especially his recitation of his own poem. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up in front of people who you haven’t known for a while. While he was reading his own poem, I got chills and I could see how much of himself was put into his poem.

I’m excited to see the rest of the presentations. Some of the people who will be presenting I don’t know well and I think this will be a great time to get to know them better. I’m looking forward to the poem James will be performing. It will be interesting to see how he decides to perform it.

-Amber G.