10/3/12- The Opera

On Wednesday, October 3rd, both seminar classes went to the Met in New York City to see the opera Turandot. Unlike most of my classmates, I knew exactly what to expect as I got off the subway and walked up the stairs to the fountain in front of the Met. Last year I saw the opera The Barber of Seville and I loved it. It was such a great experience. Since I had a great time at last year’s opera, I didn’t mind seeing another opera this year. In fact, I was excited. The Met was just like I remembered. There were many people surrounding the beautiful fountain outside the Met, people were dressed their best, and the chandeliers  inside the Met were just as stunning as the first time I saw them. I loved the elegant atmosphere.

Then it was time for the opera to begin. I found my seat and waited for the curtain to be lifted. Turandot is an Italian opera about a princess who lives in China and tries to find her prince and true love. They way in which she finds him is through solving riddles. If the man solves the three riddles, he has won her love. However, if he does not, he is to be beheaded. In the end, Calaf wins her heart and marries Turandot. Once again, I had a great experience at the opera. The orchestra and the music, along with the voices of the performers, were truly amazing. The costumes and the stage decor were also unbelievable. Even though I do understand and speak Italian, it was still difficult to understand some of the words the performers were trying to say. As a result, i put the Italian subtitles on and followed word for word what the performers were singing. This made it much more enjoyable and easier to understand. All of these factors combined to make an unforgettable night.