Hi all,

A reminder that we will meet tomorrow at 11:10 at the Jewish Museum. Bring your Macaulay cultural passport–you need this for free admission!

Remember that there are four short readings for you to complete in preparation. Finish these before arriving at the museum.

Blog post #8 (due 12/2 by 9 pm) will be based on this excursion. At the Jewish Museum, choose a work of art from either the Martha Rosler show or the Chagall, Lissitzky, and Malevich show, and photograph that work. Jot some notes for yourself on (1) how this work is (or was, in its historical moment) experimental as art; (2) how it is–or was–a political statement; how it is trying to intervene in the world; and (3) how these things fit together: how is this work’s experimental medium, content, or style linked to its political message?

If you missed last week’s class or have questions about the post talk to me tomorrow!

See you tomorrow on the Upper East Side!

Prof Kolb