Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Entries from October 5th, 2012

Protected: Super-Gentrification: The Case Of Brooklyn Heights, New York City

October 5th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn Bridge Park

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Protected: What’s New and What’s Planned at Brooklyn Bridge Park

October 5th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn Bridge Park

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Campus Triple Bottom Line: College Sustainability and Grand Valley State University

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Brown, Mary J. (2009) “Campus Triple Bottom Line: College Sustainability and Grand Valley State University,” McNair Scholars Journal: Vol.13: Iss. 1, Article 4. The author of this work is Mary J. Brown, who is a McNair Scholar at Grand Valley State University. The thesis of this paper is about the subject of campus sustainability, which […]



Protected: Pedestrian Bridge Blends Rustic Simplicity With Urban Modernism

October 5th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn Bridge Park

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In Gowanus, Big Development Can Wait

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

The author of this article is Mark Santora, who is a New York Times reporter.  The article focuses on the history of the Gowanus Canal.  Prior to the declaration of the canal as a superfund site, the land around the canal was extremely lucrative.  Land brokers and developers were after property owners, as the canal […]



Gowanus Canal Sponge Park

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

The authors of this article are Susannah C. Drake and Yong Kim.  The article talks about a new design for the Gowanus Canal, the Gowanus Canal Sponge Park, which will significantly decrease the polutants and storm water runoffs into the Gowanus canal.  In addition, the design also helps reduce pressure in the sewer systems and […]



Maureen Brennan–Working the System: Red Tape, Bureaucracies, Permits, Insurance, Protocols, Parking, and Port-a-Potties.

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Gowanus Canal

This article discusses a multidisciplinary performance event called Peripheral City:  Rediscovering the Gowanus Canal.  In the article, the author, DeWitt Godfrey, discusses how the event emphasized environmental issues surrounding the Gowanus Canal.  The author is a sculptor and assistant professor at Colgate University.  The article asks the audience to overlook the fact that the canal […]



Protected: Greening The Campus Without Grass: Using Visual Methods To Understand And Integrate Student Perspectives In Campus Landscape Development And Water Sustainability Planning

October 4th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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Protected: An Integrated Approach To Achieving Campus Sustainability: Assessment Of The Current Campus Environmental Management Practices

October 4th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft

October 4th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Brooklyn College

*Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft. 2010. PDF file. *author taken from Brooklyn College Sustainability Draft 2009. This draft was drawn up by the Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. It addresses the steps Brooklyn College plans to take to reduce its carbon footprint. The plan specifically outlines its goals, timelines, and […]

