
Jun 11

Following last week’s graduation- which was also on my birthday!!!- I am now a graduate of Macaulay Honor’s College. I am also a graduate of Brooklyn College; the “double citizen” status has never been clearer than when I went to two graduations- with two different color robes! What an accomplishment to see all those semesters, […]

Mar 18

Tefilin with Rabbi Gez

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Did you ever wonder how Tefilin are made? or what’s actually inside of those black boxes? Here’s your chance to find out! Part 1: Part 2: And the story goes full circle! My host family that I lived with during my study abroad in Australia have a son who is turning 13! In honor of […]

Oct 29

It’s monday night, 10:45 pm, and Hurricane Sandy is making its way through the east coast. Lower Manhattan is without power and flooding is a real issue. Low lying areas have been evacuated and we are lucky to still have power in Brooklyn. I’m home with my Mom and Dad and we are spending the […]

Oct 08

Burger+Chips+Tomatoe Sauce

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A delicious burger with fries. Just thought you should know. Keep smiling 🙂 Lilach 13

Sep 17

Hello Everyone! Recently, I reflected on how kind my family (ie. mother!) was to put together a ‘going away’ journal for me. The first few pages have kind wishes and farewell letters from my friends and family and the rest serves as my travel journal filled with my thoughts about new experiences and people. The […]

Sep 15

Oh well, I guess that’s how you learn! All the best, Lilach 13

Aug 22

I love your comments! L 9

Jun 29

1 day left. It’s finally here!!!

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More to come!!! Lilach 10

Apr 29

Where in the world???

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I found this cool little embed-able map that you can use to show where in the world you’ve been. I’m proud and super grateful that I can say I’ve been to more than a few places around the world, mostly in a stroller and no memories to speak of, but hey it still counts, doesn’t […]

Apr 17

My First… Conference!

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This past Friday, I presented the project I am assisting with that is studying Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Hebrew/English Preschoolers in the Cuny Graduate Center. The Student Research Poster Day in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences was so enlightening; I enjoyed hearing other students and professors present their research and I got a sense of the scope that […]

Apr 10

JFEW Spring Retreat

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As part of being a JFEW Scholar, I went to the JFEW Spring Retreat today in the Thirteen Studio at Lincoln Center. It was a real treat! I enjoyed hearing all the guest speakers and was happy to see the scholars from the other campuses again. Starting off the day with Michelle Ward’s coaching served […]

Nov 11

Spin-jump to Australia

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It’s actually happening!!! Every day I am getting closer and closer to my Aus-um adventure. I am making all these mini-movies of life here so that making movies in Australia! will come more naturally. And I am gaining more movie editing skills, and having lots of fun. Enjoy! LG. 5

Oct 15

Studying Domestically?

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Studying abroad has been on my mind, as you all can see. This incredible need to go and explore other parts of the world has got me thinking. It dawned on me that students from all over the world are at this time feeling the same. They too want to leave the place they are […]

Sep 14

Dreams to Australia

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As of forever, I have wanted to go to Australia. Being in Macaulay is opening up ways in which I can achieve this long-time aspiration. Currently, it is still in the “dream phase,” as represented by my Wordle word splash. Hopefully, I can concretize this sooner, rather than later. Wish me luck! Lilach 5

Oct 18

Lilach Gez Saperstein graduated Brooklyn College as a Macaulay Honors College scholar, having double majored in Speech-Language Pathology and Audilogy as well as Linguistics. She is aspiring to becoming an Audiologist and will be attending the CUNY Graduate Center this fall. Welcome to Lilach’s AUSome Adventure, a blog that began as a travel journal during her study abroad semester in […]

Oct 18

Hello world!

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Hi. My name is Lilach Gez.  I am an Honors student at Brooklyn College as part of the Macaulay Honors College. This is my personal blog where I will put the inner ramblings of my mind. 5

My AUSome Trip