How to Add a Hyperlink:

  1. Highlight the text you wish to link.
  2. Click the link button in the toolbar.
    • Link Button
  3. In the pop-up window, enter the URL that you wish to link to.
    • URL: enter the web address (usually begins with http:// or www.)
    • Title (optional): enter the title that you would like to appear when users hover over the link.
    • Open Link in New Window or Tab: if the box is checked, the link will open in a different window or tab.
  4. Click Add Link. The text you highlighted will be hyperlinked!

You can also link to a post or page on the site by simply entering a keyword into the search bar and then selecting the title of the page or post you wish to link to. The URL and Title fields will be automatically filled in. Click Add Link.

Screen Shot 2013-10-13 at 9.37.11 AMTo remove a hyperlink is just as easy. Highlight the linked text, and click the de-link button (just right of the link button).

Terminology – Hyperlink:

hyperlink (or link, for short) connects a graphic or text to another webpage, document, or file. Using a hyperlinks helps make for  a cleaner, more seamlessly integrated, interactive post.

For example: If you want to learn how to add categories and tags to a post, it is easier for you to click on this link rather than to copy and past this URL: into your browser. 


You can also check out video tutorial on adding hyperlinks from WordPress.