November, while usually the month of the turkey—but often overshadowed by overzealous Christmas fanatics (read: all department stores)—was a little different this year. This is why:
J’aime Paris and the World
Several coordinated terrorist attacks ravaged the city of Paris on the 13th, killing 130 people and injuring nearly 400 others. The tragedy has brought to light questions about security, especially regarding the influx of refugees coming from Syria. Some countries have decided to continue aiding the refugees while others are wary. In reaction, the US government recently passed a bill that places restrictions on the resettlement of refugees, sparking much controversy.
More Attacks
Paris wasn’t the only city affected by terror this month. There was a suicide bombing in Beirut on the 12th and an attack on a Mali hotel on the 20th, in addition to raids by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The only upside is that the world has united to fight this common threat; even the hacker group known as “Anonymous” has waged war on ISIS.
The disagreement everyone talked about but few witnessed. The famous coffee company changed the design of its annual holiday cup in an attempt to be more accepting and accommodating to people of different faiths. Naturally, the kind gesture was taken the wrong way and dubbed as an attack on Christmas. Turns out Starbucks never even had Christian symbols on their cups in the first place, so everyone that’s butthurt should probably take a seat in the back. Or go to Dunkin Donuts; their cups say “joy”!
Your Tax Guy on SNL
The most talked about GOP candidate hosted an episode of the popular TV show “Saturday Night Life” on November 7th. Most talked about? His being featured in a “Hotline Bling” parody. Click here to see it all go down (around 1:32).
Adele and Those Other Guys
The music world exploded this month with new albums from—among others—Adele, One Direction, and Justin Bieber. As expected, Adele broke a ton of records, as did Bieber (even one held by the Beatles!).
Plane Down!
Good timing, Turkey! The country with a supposed national peace program stabbed Putin in the back a few days before Thanksgiving by shooting down a Russian warplane on the claim that it was violating its airspace. Putin begs to differ, accusing Turkey of protecting ISIS’ oil supply, and has imposed harsh sanctions in retaliation. Putin 1, Turkey 0. Gobble gobble.
Horrors in Colorado
A lone gunman opened fire in a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado last week, killing 3 and injuring 9. He had something to say about “baby parts,” referring to the allegation that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue for profit. The charge has been denied many times, but the investigation is ongoing.