Election 2012 — The Issues

Voters have been rallying behind their candidates as the 2012 presidential election season is in full swing; however, some voters still remain undecided, and others would just like to learn more about the other candidates on the ballot. The Macaulay Messenger’s guide to the 2012 presidential election breaks down the beliefs of each candidate on […]

Jobs: America’s Challenge

Dealing with his lowest approval rates yet, President Obama discussed the nation’s economic situation amongst a joint session of Congress. In his much anticipated speech, the president called on Congress to take immediate action on a newly proposed bill, titled the “American Jobs Act”, estimated at $447 billion in tax cuts and new government spending. […]

Trimming Down America’s Deficit

Shortly after Congress avoided a mass government shutdown with a deal addressing spending priorities for the remainder of the fiscal year, President Obama announced a plan to cut The United States’ Federal debt by $4 trillion over the next 12 years. After largely staying on the sidelines during the fight over the budget deficit, President […]

China Crackdowns on Dissidents

With the spread of the revolutions in the Middle East, Chinese authorities have been cracking down on dissidents to suppress the call of a “Jasmine Revolution” against the government. In what seems like a reversal of the Red Scare, the police have been investigating for a network of rebels, who are believed to be an […]