When Business Supersedes Sport

The summer of 2011 loomed as a critical moment in sports, an uncertain time period pitting the owners of two of the most popular sports leagues in the world against world-class athletes. The differences presided over a myriad of issues, including revenue splits, salary caps and guaranteed contracts. In what was termed “billionaires vs. millionaires,” […]

Sex, Power and Speaking Truth: Anita Hill 20 Years Later

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the sexual harassment allegations Anita Hill made against current Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing. Distinguished speakers, including Hill, who The New York Times credits as “personally responsible for revitalizing feminism,” came to talk to the over 1,000 people in attendance at Hunter’s all-day conference […]

Back to Winning

One year ago, the National Football League’s Detroit Lions and San Francisco 49ers each held a 1-5 record and were not going anywhere with their seasons. The 49ers haven’t tasted the playoffs since 2002, back when Barry Bonds had just set the single season homerun record in San Francisco for the Giants. The Lions go […]

A Wrinkle in Time?

We’ve all had this moment: one instant we’re too tired or distracted to think about the words coming out of our mouths and the next thing we know, we’ve said something that, to put it lightly, doesn’t exactly reflect that brilliant, intellectually stimulating side of ourselves. Ever wish you could change history to erase that […]

The Science of Stress

Any college student will tell you that college is extremely stressful. What you won’t hear from all of them is that stress developed as an evolutionary strategy for survival. Therefore, it must be good! And according to clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis, stress is very good. In his article “3 Ways Stress Can Help Beat Anxiety”, […]

Occupy Wall Street: #americanproblems

A response to this clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Why are broadcast journalists being so ignorant about this, especially those at Fox? They’re completely making this situation black-and-white. There are protestors who fight for what they deserve, and they deserve the right to question and be angry about the careless actions of […]
