The longest-running Broadway show The Phantom of the Opera is not only a New York musical masterpiece, but a global phenomenon. The Tony Award winning production, which continues to reign at the Majestic Theatre of Times Square, has been performed well over 10,000 times and the afternoon show I attended emulated just that: a perfect […]
Tag: fantasy
Lessons from Grimm
As children, our parents tell us stories about princesses, kings, and talking animals. Some of the most popular stories that we hear are the Grimms’ fairytales, compiled by the Grimm brothers from the many tales that they heard from all over Germany. In Fall 2011, NBC debuted a crime procedural drama called Grimm. The show […]
Quidditch Casts a Spell on Macaulay
While racing with broomsticks in between their legs, throwing volleyballs through hula hoops, and trying to grab the player dressed in gold, these students run around like chickens with their heads cut off. An onlooker might wonder what they are doing. They are playing Quidditch, of course. The fictional game that the Harry Potter series […]