Author David

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College, CUNY.

Transcendentalism and Romanticism

Transcendentalism was an American philosophical movement set into motion by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882).   It was one of a number of “Romantic” movements of the nineteenth century–which included the romantic poetry of Byron and Shelly, the religious mysticism of… Continue Reading →

The Brooklyn Bridge

The commentators in “Sunlight and Shadow,” the speeches of mayors Low and Edson, and the poems of Crane and Mayakovsky all celebrate different sets of qualities and values embodied by the Brooklyn Bridge.  In the comments below, compare and contrast… Continue Reading →

Central Park

Using what you have learned about Frederick Law Olmsted from the readings and the videos, in the comments below discuss the similarities and differences that the view of nature that underlies his design of the park has with that of… Continue Reading →

Hudson River School

Thomas Cole, “The Titian’s Goblet” (1833) In the middle of the nineteenth century painters such as Asher Brown Durand (1796-1886), Thomas Cole (1801-1848) and Fredric Edwin Church (1826-1900) popularized landscapes that emphasized the romantic, sublime, and fantastic aspects of New… Continue Reading →

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