Task One: The readings this week are stories by P.G. Wodehouse that feature his two most famous characters, the well-meaning but not-very-smart English aristocrat Bertie Wooster, and is almost supernaturally intelligent butler, Jeeves, who, fortunately, always tries to get everything to work out for the best.  The first Jeeves story appeared in 1915 and Wodehouse continued to spin yarns about Jeeves and Wooster into the 1970’s, but the majority of the stories seem to take place in the interwar years.  I have selected a couple of the stories which are set in New York.  But to get an idea of the comic tone of the stories, watch this episode from the Jeeves and Wooster BBC TV series, which I greatly enjoyed in the early 90s.  You might recognize Hugh Laurie, who later played Dr. House in the American series House.  Note the Art Deco inspired opening credits.

Task Two: Read P.G. Wodehouse’s, “Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg,” and “The Aunt and the Sluggard”