Task One: Respond to this prompt with a brief self introduction.

Task Two: Follow this link to sign up for a film to review for the film review assignment.  Read the full assignment here.

Task Three: Follow this link to sign up for two artists, musicians, or photographers to report on.  Read the full assignment here.

Task Four: Read Washington Irving, Excerpt from A History of New York

Task Five: Read this short post (with pictures) about Dutch genre painting.

Task Six:  Click here to watch a segment from New York: A Documentary Film.

Task Seven: Respond briefly to this prompt.

Task Eight: Read Walt Whitman, “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” “Mannahatta,” “Broadway;” “Once I Pass’d through a Populous City” and “Out of the Rolling Ocean the Crowd”; and Charles Dickens, excerpt from American Notes.

Task Nine: Look at the opera schedule for October and November begin to think about what opera you would like to attend as a class.