The Arts In New York City

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Macaulay: Night at the Museum

By Joyce Chan and Stephanie Tam

Night at the Museum

By Justin Bischof and Herrick Lam

Night at the Museum

Museum Post

Museum Video

Macaulays Night at the Museum Video

By Ali Hussain, Jun Huang, Rebecca Debiase, Kyle Arnold, and Hugh Shin *video ends at 6:57. I don’t know why the movie length insists on being 27 minutes and made me download and upload multiple times for 5 hours thinking… Continue Reading →

Museum Video

Musa Nauman link:

Museum Video

Group Member in the class: Sherry and Karishma

Museum Video

Hey everyone, this is my video from the Night at the Museum. I didn’t really have a group, so it’s just me đŸ™‚ Hope you like it !!

Museum Video

Elena Vuvunikyan, Alan Glikman, Kevin Hasa, Lejla Redzematovic, Matthew Chaudhury

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