The Whiny, Overprivileged Opinions of a Traveling Gal. (Feel free to hate on this)

Yeah so the first thing I said when I came back from London, after spending the previous weekend in Madrid was, “Uuugghhh I hate traveling, I’m so glad I’m home… It’s COLD in England! I miss everyone.”


Yeah. I’m not a good human being. The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace was amazing. But I waited like an hour in the cold to see them. I couldn’t feel my dedos. I saw a lot of beautiful things (Including SBG), but my favorite had to be the gates of the parks and important places. They’re made of gold and pretty stuff! Oh and I didn’t even set foot into any museum. I am an uncultured nitwit.. so sue me. I visited the prime meridian.

Madrid was awesome, too, but I prefer Barcelona. Actually nothing is going to make me as happy as spending Ireland in the wonderful company of my roomie, her boyfriend, and my cousin. Except maybe visiting my charming friend Sara in Rome. I HAVE TO MAKE A LIST. I had no time to see everything in London because I just hate planning, and I decided four days before going that I would go. Freaking most expensive trip of LIFE.

SO, I started figuring out all the shite for my Ireland trip, and I’m going to work on my stuff for Andalucía very soon. I booked my flight to Rome, and now I feel better. My life is in order. I am coming home in June. It’s freaking me out. On the one hand I’m super-excited, and on the other I never, ever, ever want to leave Logroño, the people I met here, or the memories I made. I want to eat champis on Calle Laurel every week. I want to have vino tinto and go to Concept, even though it costs too much.

My Spanish is still improving but I need to study, which I will SO DO. Kelly and her visiting sister are going to travel soon, so I will be alone and bored. I also took out a book from the library. I never finished Harry Potter. Don’t ask.

Just as a quick diversion from my ineptitude, here’s a adorable pic (not because I’m in it but because a 16-year-old french or italian boy…. I don’t remember which, I just know he didn’t speak English…. took my picture for me. He didn’t realize that I wanted the whole lion to be in it. He and his ten friends were super surprised when I made my lion face haha. What was I supposed to do? I was alone in Trafalgar Square and I was wearing a lion hat.)

I am home and loving it. I skyped my parents yesterday and found out that the giants won. I didn’t care. Oh, and my Mami just came on skype 😀

I’m chilling with my roomie and her sister. My map of Logroño fell off the wall, which might be a bad omen like having a fever on Chinese New Year. Yeah, I pretend I know things 😉

Well, I’m off to pretend to be productive, think about the people I owe postcards to, and wonder about bureaucracy in public schools (tounge, cheek: acquaint yourselves)

All my love,




P.P.S. I went to platform 9 3/4…. that right there is probably a good enough reason to go to London. For serious. I don’t care if JK Rowling wrote about the wrong station. I love King’s Cross because my life happened there when I was little and obsessed.

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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