Author Archives: Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!

Estoy enferma

Fui a la Clínica los Manzanos anteayer para investigar la pena en el derecho lado de mi garganta y en mi derecho oído. Creí que había una infección en mi oído. Las instrucciónes para llamar a mi seguro médico eran … Continue reading

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Pace of Life

Oh no! It’s almost been a week. So, naturally, I’ve got many things to talk about. First of all, my recent and ongoing Californication marathon has inspired me to remember that writing does not always come easy, and that it’s … Continue reading

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Not much to say…

…except that today was cool, and I can feel Spanish growing in my brain as if I’m soaking it up with a cranium sponge. I feel the need to call my parents less, which means that my life here is … Continue reading

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International Food Monday.. yeah, it’s a thing

Last week we ate some great Japanese food, and this week my Canadian roomie and I are cooking potatoes. I’m making German potato salad and she’s cooking some Canadian fries with cheese thing ^^ We’re having a few friends over … Continue reading

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Voy a escribir en español, también

A veces, voy a escribir en español para recordar mi progreso durante este año. Este “post” es mi primer intento para expresarme en español aqui. Sé mucho sobre el presente, el pretérito indefinido, el pretérito perfecto, el pretérito imperfecto, y … Continue reading

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Blah, I wasted my weekend

Very common complaint, very straightforward solution. Decide to spend less money by staying in more, walking in the park, and not going to the disco every week like the locals. It gets boring anyway, and it’s a superlong walk. And … Continue reading

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Okay so I lied

I am so excited about recording everything sometimes that I think I will blog twice in one night, even if it’s already like 11 at night :& Let me recap what I wanted to talk about yesterday. Thursday, I met … Continue reading

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“This is so good and so healthy”

Guess who just said ^that^ about the cherry soy yoghurt she bought at the healthfood store she finally found in Logroño! ME. That’s right. Tofu, fake meat, almond milk, little chocolate snacks, soy yoghurt. THEY’VE GOT IT ALL. Had a … Continue reading

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Kinda depressed-ish

It’s weird. Being here, around people whose native language is Spanish, is so perfect yet kind of scarring. I want to be their friend but we can’t speak on an equal level. I’ve only been here a week and a … Continue reading

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Nightlife.. or the lack thereof

So last night we tried to have something of a get-together at my habitación because there’s no school today, but it failed a little. Then we moved downstairs to hang out with some people outside and in the park next … Continue reading

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