Category Archives: Spain

School, mall, movie, food

I love it hurrrr… except the past tenses are still not easier than they were in the estados unidos. Ah, well. I went to the mall with two of my friends today. We bought groceries at Eroski, which is a … Continue reading

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Hey there, long time no me talking at my three followers 😛 I WENT TO FRANCE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! A couple of the girls in my program have been here before so they kinda know how everything works … Continue reading

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My Spanish is already mejorar-ing!

First real day of class yesterday, superfun. Second real day of class today, también. After class yesterday, a few of us went to a Döner Kebab place by the last church we visited on our tour on Monday. It was … Continue reading

Posted in Spain | 1 Comment

¡Me gusta Logroño, la Universidad de la Rioja, y toda la gente que conocí hoy!

Today was an EPIC first day. We did, indeed, have a placement test. I met three German girls, some girls from Utah, a guy from South Arabia, and SO MANY Chinese and Japanese people. I am so going to try … Continue reading

Posted in Spain | 1 Comment

My roomie has a macbook pro!

Her name is Kelly and she’s from Canada. We’re planning on making our room really homey, and we’re calling it Shananigan House because we’re both ridiculously unable to get into normal, problem-free situations. Anyway, I had a great night last … Continue reading

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There’s always that one little thing you forget when you travel…

for me it’s chargers… Today, it was my macbook charger. Look for epic posts of how my trip was and what I did today over the next few days. Right now my mac battery is at 8% and I’d rather … Continue reading

Posted in Spain | 1 Comment

As ready as I’m gonna be

Hey all, This is the first post you’ll see because it’s the last one I’m writing before I go. It still seems kind of unreal, like I’m living someone else’s super awesome dream life. But it’s mine. I got a … Continue reading

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0:34… someone’s trying to sleep and encountering epic fail

Hint: It’s not you, it’s ___. and no, I’m not breaking up with you! We’ve barely started seeing each other at this point… (code for SKYPE ME 😀 unless I don’t have your skype, in which case either let me … Continue reading

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It’s 8:40

aaaaand I missed more than the first half of the new Vampire Diaries episode to watch the movie Arthur with my lovely friend, Faith. Don’t regret it. It was awesome to spend a couple hours saying goodbye to her. I’ll watch … Continue reading

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It’s only a daaaay aaaaaaaawaaaaay

Yes, I am singing this very obnoxiously in my head. You’re welcome, family that is home, for the fact that it is not happening aloud. Speaking of annoying things, my printer isn’t exactly cooperating with my ticket and itinerary printing … Continue reading

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