School, mall, movie, food

Inside the mall *gasp*

I love it hurrrr… except the past tenses are still not easier than they were in the estados unidos. Ah, well. I went to the mall with two of my friends today. We bought groceries at Eroski, which is a superstore. I had some issues communicating with a security guard about a broken locker door for my stuff from outside (because you can’t carry fillable bags into the store) but we figured it out. I ended up spending 55 euros with my roomie on food and a few other necessities that will definitely tide us over for more than a week. Tomorrow we will buy some clothing, because it’s so hot here and I need a dress and at least one skirt and one pair of shorts. It is so not getting colder yet!!! 😀

También, I went to go see a Pedro Almodóvar movie called La piel que habito with three of my friends in the Modern Cinema, which is, funnily enough, in the ancient quarter of town. It was totally wacky, like dear Pedro, and it had Antonio Banderas in it, like Pedro’s movies do. I’m talking about it like I have any idea, even though I’ve only seen one of his movies before this one. But, boy, was this one good/crazy/disturbing. Whew. You have to go see it. In English, it’s The Skin I Live In. 

After that, we visited a friend and she fed a few of us some great, authentic Japanese food, and they even gave me some seaweed and stuff so I could eat something. Then when I got back to my room I lost my key haha… But not before skyping one of by bestestest friends from home and deciding that, one day, we will do the camino de santiago together. One month, one pilgrimage, one tent. Two chicas with a mission and sore legs. 😀

Hasta luego y Mucho love



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Hey there,

long time no me talking at my three followers 😛 I WENT TO FRANCE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! A couple of the girls in my program have been here before so they kinda know how everything works and what they want to do. We took two buses and a taxi to get to St. Jean Pied de Port, slept at the pilgrim station thingy there for 10 euros, got a free breakfast of bread and jam and tea, then walked a lot.

I thought I had forgotten my extra batteries at home (in Logroño) so I made everyone wait when my camera died so I could run halfway through the little French town we were in. When I got to the tourist shop, the lovely man who spoke a bit of English let me know he had no batteries. I ran back, feeling like and idiot, and then had my feeling confirmed when I encountered said forgotten batteries stuck under my notebook about one kilometer later. WOOT. hahaha

SO MANY PICS are on facebook, and I will get around to putting them up here. It’s just a matter of time :p

I spent all day sleeping to recover from the fun, the muscle aches, and the awesome amount of socializing. France FTW It was awesome!!!

Skyping with my two favorite City College Sophie girls <3




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My Spanish is already mejorar-ing!

First real day of class yesterday, superfun. Second real day of class today, también. After class yesterday, a few of us went to a Döner Kebab place by the last church we visited on our tour on Monday. It was me, my roommate, two Chinese girls, two Japanese girls, and a guy from Finland. We had so much fun! We ate outside and it was still sooooo warm!

The guy who worked at the place misunderstood me and put white sauce even though I asked him not to (unvegan!!). He removed it when I reminded him but then he covered the remnants of it in red sauce, and I discovered more white sauce as I went hahah.. oh well, it’s not like it’s goona kill me. Wiped it off as best I could.

We talked in Spanish for the first, like, hour or so. Then we switched to English because it was easier for all of us. There was lots of walking and talking because the place is far away so we had a bunch of fun. I laugh a lot during regular conversations but the mistakes we make in Spanish cause general hilarity.

Today, we got into new groups to talk using some reflexive verbs. It was really fun. There were little flashcards with things on them and we had to like and dislike them with different verbs and then explain a bit.

A bit ago I went to meet someone on campus to practice my Spanish and help him with English and German but I did kind of a fail job. He didn’t seem to mind, though, and we’re going to meet up again, I think.

Now I’m meeting a girl that wants me to help her with German and I’m not sure if I’ll be of any use whatsoever because I don’t actually know any of the grammar rules…

Feeling a bit discouraged.




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¡Me gusta Logroño, la Universidad de la Rioja, y toda la gente que conocí hoy!

Today was an EPIC first day. We did, indeed, have a placement test. I met three German girls, some girls from Utah, a guy from South Arabia, and SO MANY Chinese and Japanese people. I am so going to try to learn some Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese. So fun.

I have a lot of pics on facebook and I will transfer them onto here when I have time.. Right now it’s gonna be text for a while because it’s the first week and I’m like AAAHHHH!!!!

Today I spoke Spanish a lot, saw the old quarter of Logroño, which was beautiful, and answered a few emails from people who said they want to practice their English and help me with Spanish. It’ll be almost like being in class but funnerer.

There’s a few cute café-bars where I could meet up with people, and I’m pretty excited to find someone that I can practice with. I talked as well as I could with some the other students, but I’m very glad that we’re being placed into levels tomorrow. Then I can try to make friends that are where I am, forms study groups or whatever, and just get some general culture.

Honestly, everyone says to befriend the locals but my Spanish might not be conducive to that until after the first trimester, and I don’t think most people have the patience to deal with someone who is below the 50% line of Spanish-speaking knowledge.

Right now I need to figure out cheap travel and cellphone info, then travel the dorms to see where everything is, but I really should just go to bed. It will happen soon!

Much Love,


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My roomie has a macbook pro!

Her name is Kelly and she’s from Canada. We’re planning on making our room really homey, and we’re calling it Shananigan House because we’re both ridiculously unable to get into normal, problem-free situations.

Anyway, I had a great night last night. Slept at 9 to get over my cold, woke up at 3 in the morning and finished reading Jane Eyre. Spent aaalllllllllll day getting to know Logroño and trying to find little shops that are not closed on Sundays.

We’ve both been skyping and stuff, but with the door open, so we met some lovely new people with our limited Spanish skills. I have no idea if they actually liked us, but they gathered around our door before going out, started smoking in the hallway, and made some jokes. I almost understood what was happening.

I am uploading pics to facebook and will add them to my ¡España! tab ASAP

Alas, for tonight, I am done. We’re getting up at 7:30 and it’s midnight now.

Much love,


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There’s always that one little thing you forget when you travel…

for me it’s chargers… Today, it was my macbook charger. Look for epic posts of how my trip was and what I did today over the next few days. Right now my mac battery is at 8% and I’d rather talk to my Mami than blog.



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As ready as I’m gonna be

Hey all,

This is the first post you’ll see because it’s the last one I’m writing before I go. It still seems kind of unreal, like I’m living someone else’s super awesome dream life. But it’s mine. I got a random scholarship and now I’m going to Spain, and although it usually takes years to become fluent in a language, I like to challenge myself to the (almost) impossible. I’d really like to do it by the time I get back. Kinda promised some people 🙂

I'll buy vegan food here and get the rest at Mercadona (^healthfood store. popular supermarket^)

I keep thinking I forgot something because Julia packing is like a sieve picking up a sandy substance. Some of the stuff is not going to go where you were trying to put it. Maybe I’ll be lucky this time and all the chargers will be in the right place, or I’ll have enough shirts or I’ll avoid whatever else has the potential to be funny and slightly inconvenient upon arrival.

I’ll get to Residencia la Ribera around 3 in the afternoon on Saturday (Spain time), I believe. Does that give me enough time to go shopping for some food and do a dry run of walking to the University? What if I’m supersuper tired from 19+ hours of traveling? Maybe I’ll be busy with some sort of program they have for me and other Saturday arrivals at the residence. I’m fine with whatever, but I do hope my room is on the third floor. I wanna be on top. (and have an outside walkway that reminds me of a balcony)

Maybe I'll have a window seat!

So I’m working out for the first time in over a week today (netflix dance videos ftw), taking one of those lovely heatless showers that I believe are giving me something of a cold, and then checking my suitcases for the last time.

We’re leaving at 9 am to go get my mom from work and then head to Boston. My sister is skipping her Friday classes so she can come with us to say goodbye to me. 🙂 Not gonna worry about the airport adieu until the time is upon us.

I really love flying. It’s so exhilarating because nothing else exists. It feels like I could be heading anywhere, to do anything. Nobody knows my name or my destination. It’s amazing.

I’m so excited!



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0:34… someone’s trying to sleep and encountering epic fail

Hint: It’s not you, it’s ___.

and no, I’m not breaking up with you! We’ve barely started seeing each other at this point… (code for SKYPE ME 😀 unless I don’t have your skype, in which case either let me know that you have one or realize that you’re a creepy stalker)

Was going to skype two people tonight but one of them never signed on :/

I’m really excited about letting people know about my blog tomorrow. I think I’ll do it RIGHT before I leave ^^ One more post and then BAM. That annoying girl on facebook who thinks it’s all about her… oh wait, I just described everyone on facebook :X

On that note, buenas noches. I know this post was substance-free.. the next one will be more entertaining 😀

Lovey love at 0:40



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It’s 8:40

aaaaand I missed more than the first half of the new Vampire Diaries episode to watch the movie Arthur with my lovely friend, Faith. Don’t regret it. It was awesome to spend a couple hours saying goodbye to her.

I’ll watch it later, It’ll be up in a few hours and I wholly support the copyright infringement on

Go there..—–>>>

They have everything

Still haven’t packed much, as predicted. I have socks that have the days of the week on them, some jackets, some slippers, and three books for the flight…. Jane Eyre (I WILL CONQUER YOU), The Bluest Eye, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Most likely, all three of them will make me cry. But I am of the firm opinion that if a story doesn’t make me cry, it usually isn’t good.

It’s not like packing really takes a lot out of you, especially when you’re me. (What? lol) I am bringing a lot of clothing, some electronics, and a few basic toiletries. Maybe some food. It does all have to fit into a bag, a carry-on, and the very easily explained “personal item.”

I’ll update in a few. Trying to get in another post or two before anybody really knows this blog exists. It might feel different when this is no longer just for me.. :p

Looooove and sleep deprivation, (that should be a movie title)



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It’s only a daaaay aaaaaaaawaaaaay

Yes, I am singing this very obnoxiously in my head. You’re welcome, family that is home, for the fact that it is not happening aloud.

Speaking of annoying things, my printer isn’t exactly cooperating with my ticket and itinerary printing needs 😛 I have all day, though. It’s a pesky little critter. Never does what I want the first time. I think it’s testing me, like a two year old.

I shall conquer all things today, however, because I AM LEAVING. Nothing can stop me. (Probably just jinxed myself right there) I may be making bad decisions, like bringing Jane Eyre as one of my plane books, but we are leaving my house at 9 tomorrow so I can fly out of Logan airport in the evening. We should be waaaay good on time unless some freak, Hurricane Irene-like situation occurs. *feels need to pray despite admitted agnosticism*

Fun little video to reassure everyone I’ll be fine:
(the fact that they’re speaking German is a pure coincidence, I swear)

Oh and I hope the plane doesn’t crash and I don’t get abducted by a serial killer or robbed or have a way premature heart attack or lose my luggage or miss my bus or realize they forgot to book me a room at the dorms or have a crazy roommate.

Now that I’ve covered all my bases, I’m feeling pretty good about this. Today is my packing day, which means I’m hanging out with one of my friends for a couple hours, cooking dinner for my parents one more time, then watching tv until packing becomes completely inevitable. After that, I’ll stay up all night getting my stuff together. I have lists and everything.

I get to have one personal item (45 inches), one carry-on (62 inches), and one bag (50 lbs). So, the bag and the carry-on I understand, but if you’ve ever thought about the personal item thing, please share. Why in the world not just call it large carry-on and small carry-on? This “personal item” idea is not something I can easily process. Who named it? It brings to mind garish picture frames around family reunion photos or the teddy bear I got the Christmas I was four… Maybe somebody wants to bring their grandma’s cremated ashes or their porn collection. Who can define personal item? As long as it’s 45 inches, I guess.

Well, I hope you’re adequately disturbed now 🙂

Okay, so the “travel within the US” section explains it much better:

I’ll blog a few more times before I post this thing on facebook (because, you know, everyone cares)

Lots of Love,


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