A walkway so vast and large

yet so elegant and profound.

A walkway that’s filled with a green garden

but one that overlooks a concrete haven.

The Highline,

A perfect blend of nature’s beauty

and the towering buildings of the city,

A paradox so overwhelming,

a juxtaposition so awe-inspiring,

the union of two contradicting forces,

The Highline.

By James Thomas

A Mutual Relationship–The High Line

Here’s a short little poem and slideshow I made for the High Line project. Hope you enjoy!

A Mutual Relationship–The High Line


A Mutual Relationship

By Joseph Valerio


Separated from the chaos of the city,

Lies a park with unique power.

While urban life is usually gritty,

The High Line includes more, even flowers!

Majestic qualities of greenery,

Interact with unused train track.

Creating unusual scenery,

The High Line is one special pack!

A surreal community formed,

That breathes life into the park.

It’s a good thing the track was reformed,

It became quite a benchmark!

Offering tranquility,

Away from crazy society.

The High Line epitomizes stability,

And a heightened sense of variety.

This mixture of nature and urban,

Can only be found there.

It’s almost quite suburban,

But extremely addicting, beware!

High Line Through My Words and Eyes

I gave myself some time and jotted down any words that came into my mind related to the High Line. From that list I created a word cloud. I then picked out eighteen of my favorite photos that I took at the High Line. I created two collages from the pictures. Please Enjoy !

Serenity in NYC


The Highline gives a new perspective of NYC, where usually we see the city from the street level, or sky view from the viewing decks of skyscrapers and video images from helicopters, the Highline allows us to see from a mixture of both perspectives. The serene atmosphere is one that is rarely known in NYC, with the exception of Central Park. I took many pictures on my journey through the Highline, and these pictures truly convey the various forms of beauty and art that can be found along the Highline. Enjoy the collage!the-highline-old-nyc-vs-modern-nyc





Amidst the thresholds of Mother Nature and metropolis,
Together they are sisters holding hands.
Joggers revolve around this route,
Eagerly braiding in and out
Through patches of tourists from far and wide
Who in their confusion stroll the wrong side.
Bikers breeze the margins of the trail,
Forming space to all avail.
Meanwhile everywhere across this space
There exists a different place
Where traffic screeches and cries,
In agony of the hustle and bustle,
The skin and the muscle
Of all who trek and glide the bulky pavement
With not enough time and too much rent.
With places to go and people to see
With places to own and people to be.

Where dreams are devised and bestowed and destroyed
Where people walk fast and eyes avoid.
Yet people can marvel at sights enjoyed,
At buildings colossal and employed.

The sun filters through these two domains
The inseparable reign
Of peaceful moments and roaring buzz,
Of beauty and brilliance.


The Highline: A home to nature, the buildings that make the Highline more than just nature, and a short description of the Highline

The pictures with all the buildings shows off the stylish architecture of NYC. It’s cool to see the sleek designs that I can’t even dream of becoming a reality. The Highline is suppose to be taken down but it looks better when surrounded by the fascinating architecture. The other quartet of pictures represents how the Highline tries to conserve nature. The “Protect the Plants. Stay on the Path” sign encourages visitors to keep the vibrant nature alive. The sight of a wealth of flower is pleasing to the eye, and the color brings a sense of liveliness to the Highline. The glass mosaic is recycled from the old train’s glass windows that use to run on the tracks of the Highline. By preserving and recycling, the Highline is promoting people to be more eco-friendly by being a great example.  The last picture is what I crafted. I took pictures of text that gives a short description and history of the Highline. I took, what I felt is, the most important words from the texts and meshed it together.


Tracks are now covered

Metal turned to stone

New city discovered

 To be with all yet alone

Silent together

Afraid to destroy

Even in bad weather

Travelers have joy

City sounds reduced

Life now awakened

Beauty introduced

Greenery taken

It’s cruel not to love

The High Line above

– Shivani Sharma