Introduction: Kevin

Hey everyone! My name is Kevin and I’m from Queens, New York. Over the course of the last four years I attended Stuyvesant high school. I enjoy working out, handball, Ultimate Frisbee, and League of Legends. I intend to be an Actuarial Science major because I have always had a passion for statistics. I have played the clarinet since fourth grade and I attempted and gave up on learning how to play the guitar.

My taste in music has probably been the most erratic aspect of my life. I have gone from alternative, to R&B, to rap, to pop, back to rap and R&B. At home I always have some sort of music playing in my room; no matter what I might be doing I usually like to have some sort of music playing (besides sleeping). Music can be very calming when I might be in a bad mood, or it can be very invigorating when I feel tired.

I can speak three dialects of Chinese: my native Wenzhounese, Cantonese and Mandarin. I can also write in both traditional and simplified. I am really bad with names, but I am really excited to start this new semester and interact with many new people.


Hey Team,

My name is Jaclyn, I’m from Long Island, and I now live in what is considered the greatest city in the world. A big part of the reason why I wanted to live here is so that I could wander through the streets of Manhattan where there is somewhere to explore at every corner (Ask the people who live in the 3rd Avenue building; I’m always alone and wandering around). This song and the video are me in a nutshell (Watch it please, its worth it).

 Last year, I was given the opportunity to go to Italy with my high school. I managed to get lost in the city of Bologna after wandering into a local library and losing the group. This picture was taken later in the day in Pisa by my teacher who wouldn’t let me leave her side after getting lost. This trip was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I intend to study abroad, hopefully more than once, doing a service project, and also to study my intended major of business.


Me single handedly holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa

I also enjoy getting lost in a crowd. Attending concerts is easily my favorite thing to do. I’ve considered a career in Music Management because I love the idea of being a part of the touring and experience of bands I love so much. My favorites include Mumford and Sons, Coldplay, Jack’s Mannequin, Yellowcard, Fall Out Boy, Envy on the Coast, Bayside, The Spill Canvas, and Taking Back Sunday (sorry about the extensive list, I couldn’t choose).

(Me pointing in a crowd at the Envy on the Coast Farewell Concert)

(Me pointing in a crowd at Envy on the Coast’s Farewell Concert

I’m a strong believer in doing what makes you happy and what makes you feel significant. These are just pieces of experience that compose who I am. Good luck to everyone and I’m excited to continue to meet you guys!

Introduction by Katie

Hi! I’m Katie Wang and I’m a freshman at Macaulay Baruch. If you want to know more about me, you should know that I grew up here in New York City and went to Bronx Science. I love to listen to Muse, Daft Punk and Kid Cudi amongst many other artists. I love breakfast food and prefer my eggs sunny side up.

Despite having grown up in New York, I haven’t seen as many shows or made as many trips to museums and exhibits as I would have liked to. I’m most looking forward to seeing more plays during my time as a Macaulay student. I recently moved from Brooklyn to Queens and am just starting to make the daily treks to 24th & Lex this fall. I love walking around the city; my favorite place is probably the Brooklyn Bridge Park/Heights Promenade.


1025957_622298601114367_121335158_oLately in my spare time I’ve been attempting to learn how to cook (though failing miserably) and watching television shows such as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Adventure Time, Arrested Development and The Office. I also enjoy spending my time unproductively browsing reddit.

Beemo, my favorite character. 🙂

An Intro to Jeremy Brown

Jeremy Brown is my name and living life is my game.  I’m a Macaulay Honors student at Baruch College, but before attending here I was a student at Suffern High School.  I have lived in Suffern, NY (the suburbs) for the past 10 years, but I’m now living in a dorm in Manhattan (dream come true!).  I’m unsure as to what my major will be – it will likely not be within the business school, though if it is it will likely have to do with computers (CIS).  Some areas of interest are technology, creative writing, politics, philosophy and psychology, though I’m sure there are more that I either can’t think of or haven’t discovered yet.

Don't get him angry

Ready for Business

[fun fact: despite the various shades of red pictured above, my favorite color is blue]

Since I was young, I always had an affinity for Star Wars.  I now own a custom made lightsaber (see above) and have read too many Star Wars novels to count.  Star Wars has inspired me to read a lot and take Kung-Fu lessons.  I play piano and specialize in jazz, though I listen to a lot of hip-hop and would like to learn how to play the drums.  Back at Suffern, I created the school’s film club, and am an avid fan of video games (though I doubt I’ll have much time for video games during school).  I once built my own computer, which was a rewarding but difficult experience for me.  Would I do it again? Probably.  I was on the crew team for my first two years of high school, which is just about all the sports I expect myself to be active in for the rest of my life.  I am interested in politics and have a lot of opinions, though they are shifting as I learn more about the world around me.  I love meeting new people, and its nice that folks at Macaulay and Baruch are open to meeting new people as well.  I’d like to start writing creatively, because I don’t do it enough.

Although I’ve been told that I might not be ready for the city, I’m more worried that the city isn’t ready for me.


Hello everyone My name is Nursultan Djamalidinov. Yes, I know its a mouthful. Everyone calls me Nick. I graduated from Brooklyn Tech and I live in Bensonhurst in Brooklyn. I come from the unknown country of Kyrgyzstan.

I was born there and immigrated here when I was 7. Coming here at a young age was a smart move because I managed to learn English very quickly. I learned it about two months after I started school. In addition I speak my native language (pretty badly) Kyrgyz and Russian, both of which are Kyrgyzstan’s official languages.

In my spare time I’m usually hanging out with my friends, playing video games, and learning languages. I am currently learning Korean and hope to start learning Chinese soon. To me, learning a language opens up a whole new world and gives me a new perspective on life in general. It reminds how big the world is and how unique people are.

I also play sports. Everyone from my country grows up playing soccer. In addition we have a long tradition of wrestling which inspired me to join the wrestling team at Brooklyn Tech. Now I wish that Baruch had a wrestling team.

I’m really excited to start college. I look forward to meeting you all and wish you all luck this year.

Intro – Basically an autobiography

Hi Everyone!                                                                                                                        LaGuardia Logo

My name is Tina Shen. I went to LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and I am proud to say that I might continue my studies in Visual Art as a minor and major in some form of Business (I really don’t know!!). To be honest, I am not sure what I want to pursue, and that indecisiveness might have resulted from everything I studied since I was a child.

Since I was five years old, I learned Chinese traditional folk dance and Chinese paper cutting. Then later on I studied opera, piano, and Chinese violin (Erhu, 二胡). Having the opportunity to acquaint myself with these forms of art was a good and bad thing – good in that it has made me more open-minded in trying new things, bad because I think that EVERYTHING is interesting and that I would like to try and pursue EVERYTHING as a career and therefore I have become really unsure what I want to be in the future. In the senior year of my high school, I changed my intended major so many times and was really confused with which college I actually wanted to go to. On the first day of senior year, I was sure that I wanted to go into Medicine and therefore had registered for Brown University’s online course on Medicine (So you think you can be a doctor?), which was going to start in a few weeks. After that didn’t work out, I was determined to be a singer for the Met and was planning to apply to Juilliard. Then in November, I decided that I would like to study Art in college as well because, well, I loved art especially paper cutting, but my parents were like: “How can you make a living being an artist?! It is so unstable!” Then it hit me. What if I study Business? What if I use my art to open a business? Besides, I established my own art studio already, why not continue going on a business-like path with my work? So here I am, in Macaulay at Baruch. It just became that way.

By the way, this is my website if any of you read my rambling up until now (~thank you!) and are interested or curious about Chinese paper cutting. What is it? It is a form of art, and it is an expression of Chinese culture. It is 2,000 plus years. It is scissors and paper. It is a part of me. I hope you like it!

Hi Everyone!

Hello everyone! My name is Tiffany Chan and I am from Queens, New York. I went to Townsend Harris High School and I was a pretty big nerd. I was on the Regional and State Science Olympiad Teams for three years, competing in earth science events and forensics (my favorite event). All throughout high school, I thought I would major in Chemical Engineering, but I now plan on majoring in Finance.

My SciOly nerds and I at this year’s state competition!

My SciOly nerds and I at this year’s state competition!

Some of my hobbies include dancing, singing, choreographing, eating, and napping on my couch. I also love watching shows like NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Law & Order: SVU. On Saturdays, I train in Chinese dance, ballroom, and ballet for about nine hours, so I guess it balances out all the calories I gain from my constant snacking. This fall, I will be starting my first job as a dance teacher at the New York Chinese Cultural Center.

My experiences as a performer have probably been my most exciting and rewarding experiences. I’ve performed all over the tri-state area and on television, in venues including Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden (Knicks halftime show), Lincoln Center, and in an episode of the PBS Kids series “Angelina Ballerina”.

My dance buddies and I. We've been dancing together for about 10 years.

My dance buddies and I. We’ve been dancing together for about 10 years.

Some other things to know about me are that I hate reading, I have a huge fear of public speaking, and I love shopping and hanging out with friends. Anyways, that’s pretty much all I have to say about myself. I’m really shy, but I promise that once you get to know me, you’ll see that I’m super crazy. I can’t wait to meet all of you!


Introducing Mariana!!!

Hey guys!

My name is Mariana Gurevich and I’m from Brooklyn. I was the first person in my family to be born in the United States because my family immigrated here 20+ years ago from Belorussia. I just graduated from Stuyvesant High School, and I’m extremely excited for the next four years. I really want to explore all the career possibilities open to us, and find a job that I will truly enjoy. As for right now, I enjoy keeping a busy schedule during the school year by working two jobs.

Enough with the serious stuff though because I’d much rather share with you guys what I like to do in my free time. I love to explore the city, and go on long walks. Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights are really nice neighborhoods, and have beautiful brownstones that cost mucho dinero($$$). These neighborhoods also have beautiful views of the water and adorable store fronts.

I also enjoy cooking, and always love trying new recipes. One of my favorite things to make this summer were grilled banana smores. Everyone needs to try this recipe, it’s honestly amazing:

I’ve also been playing piano for seven years, and really enjoy listening to music. Youtube is a great place to find tons of songs, as well as an abyss of varied videos that can distract me for hours. I’m also a big fan of television sitcoms from the 90’s like Full House, Saved by the Bell and Blossom.


In the summertime, I also enjoy playing tennis and swimming in the pool. I’ve also gained an interest in running recently, and ran my first 5K this summer. The Color Run was super fun and I hope to run another race sometime.


The girl alongside me in the picture is my sister. We don’t really look alike, but we like to spend time together. She is currently attending NYU Dental which is three blocks away from the Baruch campus. We’re both freshman and have two interesting journeys ahead of us.

Overall, I can’t wait to get to know everyone else in my classes and am positive that my time at Baruch will be fantastic.




Sup my fellow students! Hello Professors and ITFs, unless you guys prefer “Sup”. If so, I’ll gladly oblige.

Hi, my name is Alan Chen. I want to be an entrepreneur. This is pretty much all you need to know about me, but if you are still curious then i suppose I can entertain you. I have absolutely zero talent in everything related to music, art, and liberal arts. I can’t play an instrument and I can’t draw anything, but stick figures. Even my stick figures look a bit funny (crooked). Because of my lack of abilities in the fields of music and art, I have decided to be an entrepreneur. There are plenty of other professions to choose from, but I wanted this one. Once I become an entrepreneur, my main goal is to change the world. There is nothing in particular I really concentrated on changing right now, but I do want to build a charter city. It is a bit difficult to explain without being long-winded so I’ll stop there with my ambitions. If you are interested feel free to ask me about it though. 🙂

As for hobbies and interests, I enjoy watching cartoons (Adventure Time), anime, reading manga, non – fiction books, current events (mainly economics, science, and technology), and observing architecture. I probably have more interests, but I can’t remember them at the moment so I’ll leave it at that. I tend not to discuss anime, manga, or fiction books with other people because my memory does a horrible job with names and titles. All I can remember are plots! This is the major reason I can’t name my favorite book or anything related to literature. That means I’m bad with names too. So if I forget your name, please forgive me, this includes the professors and ITFs! I’ll try my best though. I love looking at architecture, but I don’t want to build it. Does anyone else feel that way or is it just me? Finally here is a picture of me. 🙂


And here is where I took the photo.
P.S. I’m a firm believer that all my friends are cool. So if you are my friend and you are reading this post. You are cool! 🙂


Jason Woo is my name and I’ll keep this pithy since I don’t stray from the stereotypical teenager.  I was born in Queens, New York, moved to Los Angeles, but now reside in Staten Island. My mother was born in Colombia and my father in South Korea. I’m only mentioning this because people often ask about my ethnic background. Some of my passions are track and field, eating well, exercising, frisbee, music (indie mostly), family, friends, adrenaline, etc. I plan on majoring in international marketing, but that can always change so let’s see.

Favorites List

After City Championships

After City Championships

18th birthday gift

18th birthday gift

Hiking with the pa

Hiking with the pa