
Picasso - Beautiful but Confusing

     The Picasso Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is considered the cornerstone of modern art. When I visited the painting at the MOMA today, I tried to understand why this was the case. In the painting, five women of presumably different ethnicities are standing provocatively.  The woman on the far left of the painting is pulling back a brown curtain suggesting that the women are for show.

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Quartet: A Confusing Experience That I Can Appreciate

Quartet left me so confused! I was completely captivated by the performance, but I had a really hard time understanding what was going on! I was under the impression that there would be only two actors playing different roles, and the presence of the three other characters kind of threw me off. The whole beginning scene was a little unsettling to me and the strange sound effects kind of scared me.

Paper Exhibit

I am truly disapointed in myself that I have not yet blogged about the Paper Exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design. I went to this museum early on in Octorber and I have to say it was really amazing. When I walked in I thought some of it was paper but was surprised to find out EVERYTHING was made out of paper!! I didn't think it was possible. I mean paper is so fragile and small and everything was so detailed and a lot of it too grand to be simply paper.

If you want to understand what I meant look at this first picture!


Seeing the Quartet was an interesting experience to say the least. When I first got there I was taken back by how high up we were. I usually don't mind sitting in the back but the seats where we were made me feel like i was dangling over the stage. I was so terrified! It didnt help that the actual seats themselves were high off the floor. Various times during the play my foot would slip off the little pole on the stool and my heart would sink and I would feel as if I was about to plumit to my death. It was very much like a roller coaster ride.

Quartet: still mulling this one over

    I was very disappointed by the performance of Quartet at BAM last night. To begin, I sat in the last row to the far right of the theater. The direction was not catered towards the back of the audience. Not only could I not see any of the actor’s facial expressions, but I was also extremely distracted. Since the dialogue was in French, there was a screen for English subtitles. The screen was hung on the ceiling and the text was written in a translucent white. I could not fully read the text and it also sped by at an impossible rate to keep up with.
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