
Museum of Modern Art

On Friday I went to the Museum of Modern Art for the first time ever. I must say that I will be visiting the MOMA over and over again. I thought it was an amazing museum. I really didn't know what to expect when I walked in. I didn't realize the amound of artwork that was in the museum. Last year in highschool I took a humanities course and it extensively covered all of this artwork. When I went to the fifth floor of the museum I felt like I was inside my textbook from last year. It was actually even better then the book.


On Tuesday night, when we saw Quartett, I though it was a very unusual and entertaining production. When it began and the lights when out and we heard a loud noise it made me jump. I was like I wonder what we're in for. I thought Quartett was an exciting adventure. i have never seen anything like it before and I think that's why it appealed to me. I didn't realize it would be in french. I think having it in another language made it more appealing. It sounded so beautiful when the Marquise de Merteuil spoke her voice was amazing.

Amazing performance at the Quartet

The Quartet was a unique and well performed show. Before I walked into the building, I honestly had no idea what to expect. As I walked into the building, there were many stairs that I had to walk up in order to get to my seats which were located at the very top. It was nothing that i've ever seen before. The seats were so high off the ground that my feet couldn't even touch the floor! Also, the way the seats were set up felt almost as if you were going to fall off. It was quite a unique set up I must say.

Quartett: An Amazing Play

Museum of Art and Design: Slash

(I had to steal a picture of the internet because they wouldn't allow us to take pictures).


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