people and places

Musuem of Natural History

I went to the museum of Natural History today. This is one of my favorite museums in New York City. History is one of my favorite subjects. I love global history and learning about other cultures. The museum of natural history is a place that allows me to learn about so mnay different places. I took a tour around the museum and got to see some cool exhibits. One of the exhibits that I thought was really interesting was the hall of the universe.

Early Autumn in Brooklyn Heights

 I woke up today at the crack of noon. Determined to not let the rest of my day go to waste I threw on some clothes, grabbed a book, and was out of the door within 10 minutes. Walking out onto the street I was met by the most lovely weather--sun shining, cool breeze blowing, and not a cloud in the sky. I strolled down Henry Street, which leads me to this great park on the water nestled between the manhattan and brooklyn bridges. It's autumn now, but on my way, I came across all the signs of spring.


 This weekend I went to a cosmetic beauty supply store called Ricky's. Ordinarily i would not waste cyber blogging space with stories about makeup but this place was very unusual. It was a cosmetic-superstore. As I was browsing the aisles I found things I knew I could never hope to find in a regular store. I saw fake eyelashes, pink ones, long ones, eyelashes with feathers on them. I also saw fake hair pieces, attachable buns, pony tails. There were blue wigs and red wigs and purple wigs. I found all the colors of the rainbow in eyeshadows and the same in lipsticks.

My Second First Blog Entry: NYC Art

The Wall Street Bull symbolizes 2 hallmarks of NYC: art and business. It symolizes the aggressiveness of business and perhaps the hostility of the financial atmosphere. But it also symbolizes prosperity and progression. It inspires economic advancement. The bull, like the economy, is also unrestricted and unpredictable. It symbolizes the strength and grit of NYC. This amazingly crafted bronze sculpure is one of the most recognizable artworks of NYC. It is a major tourist attraction and a Wall Street icon.

Boogie Woogie Broadway

Boogie Woogie Broadway, by Piet Mondrian, is a perfect example of the arts in New York since it's an outsider looking at New York City and romanticizing it in a picture, since New York City has often been romanticized in song, dance, and fine and graphic arts by outsiders as well as New Yorkers.

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