people and places

Common Event Thoughts

     At the Common event last night, four poets performed. The first poet was in the process of receiving her masters of fine arts in performance art. Her poetry was experimental and far more eccentric than the other three. The last poem she read, really struck me as brutal. She spoke of a man biting off a woman’s nipple and the relationships between battered women and the men they love. During the question and answer session at the end, the poet admitted that the poem was inspired by a story she had heard from a friend.

59th street subway

I did not know that i was in for a surprise when I decided to go home for the weekend. I needed to get to the West Side and completely unintentionally I happened to be in the 59th street subway station transferring from the 6 to the Q.  As I turned a corner to walk up a flight of stairs, there it was; a HUGE mural of tiles colored in all of the basic colors. I remembered then that Professor Bergman had posted a blog about a new installment in the 59th St station.


Living in New York City, we are really fortunate to able to see so many different cultural practices and traditions and diversity at large.

The Contrast

Thursday night I went with my friend Ruth from John Jay to the Metropolitan Playhouse. She had to see this play for her English class and had no idea on how to get there. I didn't really know the area either, the theater being in the Lower East side; however, the subway map I always keep with me has made me the expert of the two of us on how to get through the city. 

Where the Wild Things Are Warning!!

I am writing this blog to respond to Sara's blog about Where the Wild Things Are. I saw the moive when it first came out. From watching the previews I thought I would be seeing a happy childrens movie. I read the book as a child and loved the story. The book has only 32 words in it. I thought the whole movie would be a happy story about the little boy finding the wild things and having fun with them but ulitimately learning that home is the place to be. Because the book was so short, a new story had to be filled in. I found the movie very depressing and sad.

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