people and places

Filming in my Apartment

"Quiet on Set"

"Pictures Up"

"Camera Rolling" 


Motioning into the Future


Architectural Structures

The Windsor Castle


Museum of Modern Art

On Friday I went to the Museum of Modern Art for the first time ever. I must say that I will be visiting the MOMA over and over again. I thought it was an amazing museum. I really didn't know what to expect when I walked in. I didn't realize the amound of artwork that was in the museum. Last year in highschool I took a humanities course and it extensively covered all of this artwork. When I went to the fifth floor of the museum I felt like I was inside my textbook from last year. It was actually even better then the book.


Traveling from Staten Island to Baruch College, I always get to see at least 2 street performances. This is why most of the time I end up with no change for my bag of chips or the extra dollar to buy myself a drink between breaks. It's because I love the street performers and performances so much, I am bound to give them some support/ contribution (money). Whether the the performers are playing an instrument, doing magic tricks, dancing, or singing, they're usually not given the attention as they deserve, which upsets me many times.

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