people and places

Fair at Madison Square Park!!!!

This past Thursday I had three hours to kill before class. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to go to Madison Square Park and get some work done. As I walked over to the park from my bus stop I saw all of these little tiny booths set up along the street. As I got closer I saw that a little marketplace was set up around the park. Different people set up booths and were selling all of this really cool merchandise. A lot of the stuff for sale were things these people created. I walked around and saw a bunch of cool things. One woman had handbags made from candy wrappers.

Write Again?

        Prior to the Joseph O’ Connor’s literary reading, I had never heard an author read his or her work. When I was in elementary school, I met Frank McCourt among others, but I never had the chance to listen to them read their own work. Did they have specific voices for each character? What tempo did they read at? Mostly, I was interested in how my readings differed from theirs. Joseph O’Connor gave me the opportunity to analyze this.

Snapshot NYC

Snapshot Day was a chance to reflect on our future aspirations. We had to find a place, a neighborhood, that could best describe who we are now and who we hope to become. I had a difficult time while brainstorming locations for my future vicinity. The only thing that I knew I wanted, without a doubt, was for the area to be urban.

whitney.porter's picture

An Eclectic Mess of Artwork

"My Neighborhood"

     The Hangout- The first photo was taken in my "old" neighborhood, where I use to live until recently. Basically, my entire childhood revolved in the suburban block. I loved walking around the block at night, I loved hanging out with my friends, and I loved the atmosphere overall. This neighborhood represents happiness, family, friendship, and tranquility. In the photo, the viewer can see me hanging out with my close friends during the night, my favorite timing.

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