Joseph Giannini
Joseph Giannini was born in Brooklyn in 1943. During Mr. Giannini’s second to last semester at Hofstra he received a draft notice to go to Vietnam. As a marine, Mr. Giannini went through basic training at Parris Island. Mr. Giannini commanded a rifle platoon which was part of the Special Landing Force. Mr. Giannini has two sons, ages 25 and 38, and married again after the war in 1978. He has been practicing criminal law for over 30 years, hosts a television show titled “East End Veterans”, and is an anti-war activist. His writings have been featured in the East Hampton Star, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and other publications. One of his stories, “Big Wave Dave,” was published in the Surfer’s Path, one of the most popular surfing magazines in the world. He is also known for coining the term “Poncho Rotation,” which inspired multiple art exhibits. Currently, he resides in East Hampton, NY with his wife Nikki.
Here are but a few pieces written by Mr. Giannini:
On “Poncho Rotation”: