Professor Lynne B. Sagalyn
On April 21, 2009, we conducted an interview with Professor Lynne Sagalyn. A professor of real estate finance and urban development at Columbia University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor Sagalyn generously gave of her time to discuss her book with us. “Times Square Roulette: Remaking a City Icon,” analyzes the politics, policy, and economics behind the redevelopment of Times Square.
Professor Sagalyn explained her argument that despite popular misconception, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was not the force behind the revitalization of Times Square, but that it was the slow progression of a number of individuals and administrations.
We would like to thank Professor Sagalyn for sharing her time and expertise with us. We greatly appreciate it.
Here are some clips from our interview:
Part I: Mayor Giuliani is often given undeserving credit.
Part II: Projects and plans for the redevelopment of Times Square; “Disneyfication” defined.
Part III: Times Square was considered a civic embarrassment; Mayor Koch’s clean-up efforts.
Part IV: The “New 42″ redevelopment plan; theater for children; theater ownership.
Part V: Rebecca Robertson and her involvement in the “42DP” development plan.
Part VI: Mayor Giuliani and his political intentions.
Part VII: Giving proper credit to Rebecca Robertson.