Poster for The Effects of Community Gardens on Biodiversity

The Effects of Community Gardens on Biodiversity

Our project aims to discover if there is a correlation between an increase in community gardens throughout New York City and an increase in biodiversity. We were inspired by the use of iNaturalist during the Bioblitz, and decided to use iNaturalist observations as our method of measuring biodiversity.

Clean Drinking Water: A Pipe Dream?

This project examines the quality of New York City tap water in both residential and public water systems during the years 2019-2020. Research members performed water tests of various faucets and public fountains and compared the results to 2019 data from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.

The Reward for Patience: Impact of Meditation on Stress Levels and Neuroplasticity

We conducted our very own meta-analysis that spanned 3 separate studies. All 3 had a connection to neuroplasticity, which is a combination of adaptive processes in the brain. Meditation’s objective effects were observed, and as such, we were able to infer possible benefits and certain shortcomings the practice has.