Our names are Heidy Garcia and Stephanie Ng and we created a mashup project to celebrate two forms of art from two different cultures. Our art forms were assigned – Heidy got artesanias from Mexico and Stephanie got momos from Nepal.
Artesanias is the name for Mexican handcrafts and folk art. The term was created in the 20th century to distinguish the various types of art with different uses, including practical purposes, decoration, vases, ceramics, and bowls. It plays a large role in Mexican culture and identity, as well as a major tourist attraction.
Momos are a type of dumpling in Nepali cuisine. They’re typically steamed or fried and contain filling made of meat, vegetables, spices, garlic, and onions. Momos are served at large gatherings and are considered a social food.
We combined these art forms by demonstrating how to make momos from scratch using artesania bowls. We drew out a step-by-step process of making the dough and filling, forming the dumplings, steaming them, and finally serving them – all in artesania bowls. Cooking always brings people together and making a popular dish with articulate ceramics promotes visual presentation of food and the celebration of various cultures.
