Getting your videos to play directly in your posts.

Hey everybody, I really encourage you to have your videos play directly in your posts, as opposed to placing a link to the video in the post. It means fewer steps for the viewer and makes it easier for us to watch each other’s videos (while also being more aesthetically pleasing). The key is to copy and paste the embed link in html mode. I have done this for all your existing posts, but from now on you should do it. Here are the instructions again:

Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, you can simply copy the content listed in the “embed” tab (not the “URL” tab) that is listed to the right of the screen (when you have the video open in YouTube). Paste the “embed” content into the post just like any other “Link.” When writing a post on the blog, switch to “HTML view” (the default is “visual”) and paste the embed content there. The “HTML” button is to the right of the editing buttons. As soon as the content is pasted, switch back to “visual” mode and continue the post (nothing else should be done in HTML mode unless you are comfortable with editing HTML). The video will then play directly in the post and will hardly take up any server space on the blog.

Click here for further instructions on uploading Video Content. Do not upload content directly from your laptop. The file is too large for the server to digest.

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About Owen Toews

I am a PhD candidate in Geography at the CUNY Graduate Center where I research neoliberalism, settler colonialism, and the production of space. In past years I taught Urban Life 101 and Urban Revitalization in the department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College. I am a founding member of the DIY museum collective Winnipeg Arcades Project, where we experiment with different ways of combining knowledge and artistic production and display.