Category 2010’s


Mariel from Ilo-Ilo, Philippines Abigail Calumpit MHC Seminar 150: People of New York City “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New York! In roughly twenty minutes, we will begin our descent to John F. Kennedy International Airport. The local time is… Continue Reading →


Often times, people tend to move and settle together with a group of people that share their cultural and/or religious values. As a result of this behavior, boundaries are formed by these ethnically and religiously different groups, creating an invisible… Continue Reading →


On an uptown six train sits a fair-skinned girl with a bob cut. She’s tightly packed between a man in a suit and a grumpy-looking woman with a death-grip on her purse. Coffee stains make patterns on the subway floor,… Continue Reading →


    As the cars honk and the ambulances screech, Rebecca crawls out of bed and gets herself ready for the day. She remembers when she first arrived in America, she loved all the noise that came from the city…. Continue Reading →


Karim situates himself in a quiet, air conditioned corner of the Hunter College library where he is currently a freshman. Finally, after years of unpredictable adjustments, he has a stable environment where he can focus on his studies. He begins… Continue Reading →


New York, NY —  It is 3:35pm. The bell rings and students rush out of 615A, home to Ms. Fletcher’s 10th period freshman composition class. While some head up to the 9th floor to grab their jackets from their lockers,… Continue Reading →


Dashing across the street, Joanna whipped out her Nixon camera in order to catch the perfect shot of taxis and bustling people or what she called the epitome of New York. Joanna was always like this, one moment she would… Continue Reading →


Ethan, a now 19-year-old freshman college student from Hunter College, originally came from Carmel, Indiana, a small suburb outside of Indianapolis. He is currently studying Law and Mandarin Chinese, and is part of the Chinese Flagship Program. When he graduates,… Continue Reading →

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