Brighton Beach

добро пожаловать в Брайтоне! Or, Welcome to Brighton! This the biggest, most influential Russian and Eastern European community in the United States. Here you will encounter Eastern European goods, culture, and language on every step of your journey. As soon as you step off the Q, you will think you’ve been transported to Odessa itself! Enjoy the crisp ocean breeze, warm sand, and living, breathing Russian culture. A majority of the residents are immigrants from the Soviet Union, where anti-Semitism and outright, arbitrary coercion drove people to leave as soon as they could. Russians and Eastern Europeans flooded Brighton when Gorbachev implemented reform that opened the sheltered Soviet Union to the rest of the world. With this history in mind, bask in the richness of the neighborhood – it is certainly a community unlike any other. So, without further ado, let’s tour Brighton:

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We sincerely hope you have enjoyed your tour of Brighton! Our last stop is right by the Q and R trains, so getting home is a breeze! But, feel free to continue strolling along Brighton Avenue – our tour is just the tip of Brighton’s cultural iceberg. Have any more questions? Consult our annotated bibliography or consider the following links. Until next time, до свидания (bye-bye!)

revised walking tour bibliography


Business –

New York Magazine on Brighton –