Archive for December, 2009

Dec 11 2009

I Love Holidays Because I Celebrate All of Them!

Published by Rhianna Mohamed under Danny Senna

In class, we discussed how Danzy Senna’s family would get fingers pointed at them or questioned for her shockingly different appearance from her father. I knew the Senna family was open-minded but she just continued to surprise us. Her sister, marrying a Pakistani British man, like my Mr. England, was a nice shocker. Danzy Senna […]

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Dec 10 2009

I Like To Move It, Move It

Published by Nguyen Chi under Fela!

Fela! Rating: 5 stars Reasons: Ben Brantley was surprised when he saw no one swaying their hips or jumping up and down on the street after the audience left the “Fela!” On Broadway Performance. Well, I would like to tell Brandtley that he was watching “Fela!” on the wrong date because I was dancing all […]

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Dec 10 2009

Figaro and the Amazing Technicolor Barbermobile

Published by Jensen Rong under Barber of Seville

The title makes no sense.  It’s okay, because neither does the actual play.

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Dec 10 2009

I Am Woman. Hear Me Rawr.

Published by Samantha under Uncategorized

Truth be told, when I saw the ad on the subway for the Whitney Museum’s exhibit of Georgia O’Keefe, her name sounded very vaguely familiar. It wasn’t until I saw her pieces in person did I realize I had seen her paintings and watercolors before. As an artist, I consider her somewhat of an anomaly, […]

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Dec 10 2009

MET Meets Milkmaid

Published by Samantha under Cultural Passport Assigments

While at the MET doing research for an english paper, I ran across Vermeers “The Milkmaid.” This exhibit featured 36 paintings to put “The Milkmaid” into historical context.  Before this I had never heard of Vermeer but the main attraction was easily recognizable. I chose to view this painting instead of going to a show […]

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Dec 10 2009

I Fell Out of Love With it

Published by Nathaly Martinez under Uncategorized

I had such high expectations for the Fall for Dance Festival because the people in the cover of the Play Bill looked so energetic and passionate but boy was I wrong.

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Dec 10 2009

The Cat Above and The Mouse Below

Published by Samantha under Barber of Seville

An opera, in particular The Barber of Seville, seemed like something that I wouldn’t be able to connect with, but little did I know I knew most of the songs before I had ever heard of the Opera. The Barber of Seville was a good choice to introduce us to the opera because so many […]

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Dec 10 2009

Zee TV – Letters of the Alphabet, Not A TV Channel!

Published by Rhianna Mohamed under Cultural Passport Assigments

As I walked into the Paley Media Center, located on W.52nd Street, I knew this was exactly what media was all about. Filled with television screens, magazine advertisements, and movies screening in various corners of the center, media was all over the place. Comparing three different countries’ news shows was most eye opening for me. […]

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Dec 10 2009

It’s not always black and white

Published by blah under Danny Senna

Her memoir had a nostalgic tone, but it was different from most memoirs. Most of the blogs talk about how Danzy Senna tries to find herself, but I think by that time she had already found herself. She just didn’t know how to place herself in the midst of both worlds. I actually found it […]

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Dec 10 2009

Fall For Dance

Published by Samantha under Uncategorized

Considering this was the first dance performance I have ever seen, to say I was surprised is an understatement. I was absolutely disappointed with “Les Biches,” the first performance. I could not figure out the story line at all, if there was any, and the dancing was sloppy and unsynchronized. After that rocky beginning, I […]

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